Albert Luandrew
Delta Joe, Doctor Clayton's Buddy, Sunnyland Slim
Delta Joe, Doctor Clayton's Buddy, Sunnyland Slim
En Grupos
Chicago Blues All Stars, J. B. And His Bayou Boys, Sunnyland Slim And His Orchestra, Sunnyland Slim And His Sunny Boys, Sunnyland Slim Blues Band, Sunnyland Slim Trio, The Chicago Blues Summit With Sunnyland Slim
(Albert Luandrew), A. Laundrew, A. Luandrew, Albert "Sunnyland Slim" Luandrew, Albert Laundrew, Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim), Albert Luandry, Andrew Luandrew, Louandrew, Luandreau, Luandrew, Luandrews, S. Slim, Sunnyland Slim, Wandrew.
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band - Decoration Day
Special Guest Carey Bell
Recording Dates
Tracks #1 to #9 January 23, 1980
at Odyssey Sound Studio, Chicago
Bonus Tracks Cd Edition, in 1994, (#10 to #15) April 20, 22 & May 5 7, 1980
At Saarbrücken, Mannheim, Hamburg & Düsseldorf; Germany
Bass – Bob Stroger
Drums – Odie Payne
Guitar – Hubert Sumlin, Jeff Swan
Piano, Vocals – Sunnyland Slim (Albert Luandrew)
Special Guest, Blues Harp – Carey Bell
Composed By – Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
Design – Günther Kieser
Engineer [Recording] – Edward Cody
Producer, Liner Notes – Horst Lippmann
Label:L+R Records
Listado de temas
Lugar Fecha
1. The Sun Is Going Down
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Chicago, Ill 23.1.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (g)
Swan, Jeff (g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Author: Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
2. Past Life
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Chicago, Ill 23.1.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (g)
Swan, Jeff (g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Author: Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
3. Decoration Day
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Chicago, Ill 23.1.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (g)
Swan, Jeff (g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Autor: Sonny Boy Williamson II, Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
4. Boogie The Blues
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Chicago, Ill 23.1.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (g)
Swan, Jeff (g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Author: Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
5. Depression Blues
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Chicago, Ill 23.1.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (g)
Swan, Jeff (g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Author: Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
6. Tired Of Traveling
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Chicago, Ill 23.1.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (g)
Swan, Jeff (g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Author: Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
7. Canadian Walks
unnyland Slim Blues Band
Chicago, Ill 23.1.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (g)
Swan, Jeff (g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Author: Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
8. Patient Like Jobe
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Chicago, Ill 23.1.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (g)
Swan, Jeff (g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Author: Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
9. Sunnyland Jump
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Chicago, Ill 23.1.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (g)
Swan, Jeff (g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Author: Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
Decoration Day (AF&BF) ¬ Editado en 1980
9 Temas. Tiempo Total: 00:42:45
flac @ 828 - 258,38 MB
American Folk Blues Festival-1PrSt
RipBy: Napi#08
En la edición de Cd, de 1994, se publicaron los siguientes temas extra (no incluídos en esta presentación) grabados en directo durante la gira de 1980 del AF&BF, con una formación similar a la del presente Lp
15.04. Frankfurt, Jahrhunderthalle
16.04. Zürich, Volkshaus
17.04. Stuttgart, Liederhalle
18.04. Tübingen, Festsaal
19.04. München, Deutsches Museum
20.04. Saarbrücken, Kongresshalle @ youtube
21.04. Mainz, Rheingoldhalle
22.04. Mannheim, Mozartsaal
23.04. Karlsruhe, Stadthalle

24.04. Regensburg, Audimax
25.04. Wien, Konzerthaus
26.04. Linz, Brucknerhaus
27.04. Nürnberg, Meistersingerhalle
28.04. Kassel, Stadthalle
29.04. Berlin, ICC
30.04. Münster, Halle Münsterland
01.05. 07.05. Düsseldorf, Philipshalle
05.05. Hamburg, CCH
06.05. Hannover, Kuppelsaal
07.05. [?] Bremerhaven, Stadthalle
08.05. Braunschweig, Stadthalle
09.05. Kiel, Im Schloss
source: Posters and tickets
in the background: Washboard Doc, Eunice Davis, Eddie Taylor, Hubert Sumlin, Louisiana Red, Carey Bell, Cab Lucky
in the foreground: Sunnyland Slim, Willie Mabon, "Flash", Robert Stroger, Odie Payne
source: Back cover of L+R LP 42.013;
photographer: most likely Norbert Hess
participating artists:
Louisiana Red, voc, g, dobro
Willie Mabon, voc, p
Hubert Sumlin, voc, g
Eddie Taylor, voc, g
Joseph "Washboard Doc", washboard
Cab Lucky, g, voc
John "Flash" Whitner, voc, washtub b, humazoo
Eunice Davis, voc
Sunnyland Slim, voc, p
Carey Bell, voc, hca
Robert Stroger, b
Odie Payne, dr
American Folk Blues Festival '80
L+R DLP 42.013 (Germany 1980)
10. Rock Little Daddy
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Saarbrücken/Mannheim/Hamburg/Düsseldorf 20./22.4.& 5./7.5.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p)
Louisiana Red (g, voc)
Davis, Eunice Davis (voc)
Author A. Hunter, Eunice Davis
11. Every Time I Get To Drinking
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Saarbrücken/Mannheim/Hamburg/Düsseldorf 20./22.4.& 5./7.5.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (el-g)
Taylor, Eddie (el-g)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Author Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
12. Sunnyland´s New Orleans Boogie
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Saarbrücken/Mannheim/Hamburg/Düsseldorf20./22.4.& 5./7.5.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Sumlin, Hubert (el-g)
Taylor, Eddie (el-g)
Bell, Carey (harm)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Author Albert Luandrew (Sunnyland Slim)
13. One Room Country Shack
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Saarbrücken/Mannheim/Hamburg/Düsseldorf20./22.4.& 5./7.5.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Bell, Lurie (el-g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Author Mercy Dee Walton
14. Tin Pan Alley
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Saarbrücken/Mannheim/Hamburg/Düsseldorf20./22.4.& 5./7.5.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Bell, Lurie (el-g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Author Curtis Jones
15. Dust My Broom
Sunnyland Slim Blues Band
Saarbrücken/Mannheim/Hamburg/Düsseldorf20./22.4.& 5./7.5.1980
Sunnyland Slim [Albert Luandrew] (p, voc)
Bell, Lurie (el-g)
Stroger, Bob (b)
Payne, Odie (dr)
Author Elmore James, Robert Johnson, Joe Josea